What We Do
SOAR High is a remote tutoring company that provides standards-based academic assistance for students of all grades, from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
We are proud to provide the following services:
-Intensive mathematics instruction for elementary and middle schoolers
-High school algebra and geometry
-Tutoring in all areas of literacy, including phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading stamina, and more
-History and social studies tutoring
-All areas of science, including advanced physics and chemistry
-Study skills and test taking help
…and so much more! Book a free consultation today for more information.
Who We Are
SOAR High stands for Students Overcoming Adversity to Reach High, and we strive to live up to our name each day. The team here at SOAR High is made up entirely of teachers and parents who understand why children struggle to learn and how to fix it.
At SOAR High, we know a one-size-fits-all approach to learning doesn’t work. We get to know each student individually, then craft a fully customized educational plan that incorporates feedback from the child’s tutors, parents, and even the child themselves.
Our tutors are the best of the best, but don’t take our word for it: 100% of our tutors are licensed teachers and are rated either “effective” or “highly effective” by the Florida Department of Education. In addition, many of our tutors have advanced degrees in their subject matter. We know the state standards inside and out, and we’ll work with your child until they do, too!

S.O.A.R High= Students Overcoming Adversity to Reach High

SOAR High’s Proven Approach
Does your child struggle with reading? You’re not alone. Studies show that a whopping one third of American children read below grade level.
At SOAR High, we think that’s unacceptable. But we also know that it’s fixable.
Why do American children struggle to read? There’s a simple explanation, and public schools don’t want you to know about it: for decades, public schools have taught a reading method that simply doesn’t work.
Unfortunately, America’s children have for too long been taught the meanings of words, but not how to sound out words letter by letter. For many children, this means they can only read the words they’ve been taught, but they can’t figure out new words.
SOAR High does it differently. Our innovative literacy approach is the only proven method for teaching and improving literacy skills. We’ll work with your child to identify their reading deficit, then use evidence-based methods to help them decode the letters of any words they might encounter.
Reading is the foundation of all learning, and we can’t afford to do it wrong. Let SOAR High help your child overcome their reading difficulty. Call today!
Reading difficulty can’t keep your child down. Call SOAR High today and watch your child SOAR!
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